How to Recover Quickly from Liposuction Surgery?

Liposuction surgery is one of the most commonly opted for solutions to remove excessive fat from the body. Liposuction is also known as body contouring by many because of the end results this surgery can perform. Some of the common areas include buttocks, thighs, tummy, neck, face, and so on. Although there are numerous benefits of liposuction surgery, there is certainly a recovery phase that a patient has to go through. Every patient wants to experience a quick recovery time, but how is this possible after this surgery? Let’s take a quick look at the recovery tips to follow along with the practical suggestions given by the surgeon.

A healthy and strict diet

Diet plays a crucial role in our everyday life; and in a way, we are what we eat. Diet is also a crucial element when recovering from a liposuction surgery. The diet needs to be low in sodium content so that less swelling can be experienced post operation. It is best for patients to discuss the diet with their doctor and get a clear idea on what to eat and what not to. This is one efficient area to focus after the surgery.

Use compression garments

The compression garment is not one of the fanciest and best-looking additions, but this will definitely help you in a quicker recovery time. After the liposuction surgery is performed, the plastic surgeon will recommend a medical grade compression garment to wear and will advise their patient on the amount of time they need to wear it. This will help in fast recovery, and also achieve the right results they are looking for.

Follow up assignments

Once this surgery is performed, there are follow ups with the plastic surgeon. The plastic surgeon does this to get a clear idea about the recovery and overall progress. In order to ensure a quick recovery and get the best results, the patients need to make sure that they stick to their follow-up assignments.

Good rest

Any surgery puts the body in some kind of trauma regardless of whether it was a simple procedure or a complicated one. So, the body will need some time to work on the healing process as well. The plastic surgeon will provide rest and recovery recommendations, and it is important to follow it up. A good rest recommended by the doctor may include staying away from some physical activities for a while, staying in bed for long, avoiding activities that may increase blood pressure and so on. Rest will help the patient recover quickly from liposuction surgery and get back to normal life as soon as possible.

The above-mentioned points are just some of the practical steps that patients can take to recover quickly after liposuction surgery. If you are someone opting for liposuction surgery, make sure to take proper guidance from your doctor and then follow it up with your actions. When you follow up on the given advice and medication, you can recover quickly from this surgery.

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Different Types of Liposuction Procedures

Vaser Liposuction Surgery

Although the main objective of all these liposuction procedures is the same, that is, removal of stubborn fat deposits, the way with which this objective is achieved makes each of these procedures different from each other.

  • Smartlipo/Laserlipo

In this procedure, the cosmetic surgeon uses an ultramodern laser lipolysis machine to extract those stubborn fat tissues. The liquefied fat is then easily removed from the body using a thin tube called a cannula. This surgery ensures you enjoy a faster recovery time. This procedure is mainly employed to remove very small amounts of unwanted fat from areas like chin, thighs, arms, face, hips, and the abdomen.

  • Vaserlipo

In this liposuction surgery procedure, ( the surgeons use an advanced ultrasound lipolysis machine to emulsify and get rid of stubborn fat from the body. This kind of surgery is great for removing stubborn areas of fat which have been difficult to remove with the help of diet and exercise.

  • Radio Frequency-Assisted Liposuction (RFAL)

In this liposuction procedure, the surgeons use the power of radio frequency to melt down the body fat. Although it is similar to Laser lipo, this new technology breaks down fat into a liquid by using radio frequency energy. It is a highly accurate liposuction surgery, which means that the surgeon can push this electrode in any direction to shape your body, exactly the way you want.

  • Power Assisted Liposuction (PAL)

In this technique, the surgeons use a liposuction cannula that moves to break down fatty tissues. These fat tissues are then sucked out of the body using the same cannula.  It is also a minimally invasive cosmetic surgical procedure and gives accurate results.

If you are convinced that you need to go for a liposuction in Delhi or any other metropolitan city, make sure that you speak to your cosmetic surgeon and find out which procedure is just right for you.


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